Kindness has many depths to it.
A thought for someone. A smile and wave as you pass a neighbour. A helping hand. There may be times when we are not kind in our thoughts and responses. In my experience, these times have been when I have thought of someone with my mind, rather than my heart. Our minds can trick us. They talk a lot and can be irrational when it comes to feelings. As a result, we may sometimes respond to people or situations not to our favour. I have found that thinking with my heart is much healthier, it encourages kindness and positivity. This in turn will have a ripple effect of sparkling joy.
Think of someone that has frustrated you. Feel that frustration? Now, either you had a rant with your heart racing or, you wore the mask of pretence and smiled at them? Perhaps, the chatterbox of your mind did not reflect your smile? Try this…
Get some space. Think of that person with your heart. Imagine them looking at you. You see they are carrying their own burdens. How do you respond to that? Now imagine they have tears coming down their face and they are holding a hand out to you. What do you do?
With practice, I applied that kindness to me as well as others. I put myself into my heart. I became more insistent that I was shown respect. I drew the line on those who I had always given more rope to. I found I appreciated the reality that each one of us is on our own path of self-discovery. I didn’t resent that. It didn’t make me angry that some people were disrespectful, mean or, lying. I began to feel sorry for them as they were on a path of negative energy. It felt very uplifting to have this polished, deeply rooted capacity. Heart thinking works wonders for me.
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