Are You on A Train?

Published on 2 January 2025 at 09:09

Or, at a station?

Everywhere we go in January, we will see signs encouraging us to look at what kind of a year we are aiming for.

January does tend to feel like a blank canvas after the hype of the festivities. I like the quiet it brings. But then, I am now at an age, where I am at peace with my thoughts. I go with the flow, knowing I will embrace what lies ahead.

I was in a meditative state in the early hours of Boxing Day. As always in this deeply relaxed disposition, visions come to my mind. On this occasion, I was on a train about to get off at a station. I could feel a breeze on my face and see the platform through the carriage window. I felt very calm. I instinctively knew that this was the next phase of my life that I was soon to step into.

Before buying the ticket that was in my hand, I had noted the return price was cheaper than a one-way purchase. What did that mean? Could the cheaper, more cautious option have left me with a choice? Would that be sensible… to be able to go back?

I had chosen not to. I decided I would pay the extra £2.20 and simply ‘go for it'. I felt excited at the thought of stepping into something new. I was sure I could make it well worth it.

I was aware that I had just chosen to leave my historic life behind. I felt the door had closed on that. I wanted to leave it way down the track. I intuitively knew I wouldn’t go back. It wasn’t a bad thing. I just felt I had personally learnt as much as I needed to about what had shaped who I was before this moment. I have spent years reflecting on and understanding my past.

A fleeting vision of my car parked at the previous station didn’t bother me. I shrugged at the thought of leaving it behind. Leaving my solid security that could drive me to familiarity was symbolic of my curiosity to forge ahead. It is now time for me to explore my new energy, understanding and zest for life.

I am certain that when I get these intuitive insights that they are presenting golden opportunities for me. I have had quite a lot of experience to give me this knowledge over the years.

What could 2025 look like for you?

Are you interested to see where you currently stand?  Maybe you are ready for a change?

If so, perhaps you could try this meditation:

Play some background spa music to support you in getting into a relaxed state. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. Deep breath in…hold it… and slowly release out. Then relax into a rhythmic breathing pattern. Keep going back to your breathing if you get distracted.

Think of being on a train journey. You may be at a station, on a platform or, on a train. Relax and see what comes to your mind naturally.

If you are on a train, where are you heading? Is it light or night?  Are you travelling between destinations or, are you approaching a platform? What can you see? If you are at a station, what is around you? Is anyone with you? Do they say anything? How do you feel?

Let the vision organically play out. Trust that you will know when it is time to open your eyes.

Now it is time to reflect and put anything you saw and felt together.

You will either get a clear understanding of your current life-position or, you will simply know you are about to enter something new.

If you feel unsure or overwhelmed, ask yourself why this may be. What might you be wary of? For instance: Could it be your own fear of the unknown? If something is stopping you ask yourself this: - A train door is open at a station you would really like to explore. You are in your seat. How would you feel if the door closed and you remained seated?

Whatever comes to your mind, know that you have got this. Change is just a nudge urging you to progress yourself. If you are still hesitant to stand up and walk out of the door, maybe you will get a chance again? It could be there is a little more to do where you are now before you take a leap of faith.

Whatever you do, I truly believe you can master your 2025 journey by ensuring you are aware and open to learning about your carriage.




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