Do You Wish You Had More Time?
What do you need more time for?
If tomorrow was your last day…
Have you got any regrets or unfinished business you would want to sort out? If so, what is stopping you from sorting any loose ends out today?
Life is short. None of us know when ‘time’ will be called. Could we make the most of today, in order to fulfil our hearts, regardless of our life position?
If you have read my previous blogs or books, you will be aware that I am no spring chicken. I am very fortunate to currently be in a position where the basics of my life such as food, shelter and my health are good.
I have faced many challenges in my life to date. In my younger years, some seemed like mountains to get over. The pain, slog and tears I went through varied. Some lasted a few hours. Some lasted years. Others I buried hiding them away, hoping they would fade. They re-surfaced. I had to face those particular exposures again. I realised I had to go through all my hard times, in order to learn how to overcome them with courage and belief in my own abilities, in order to evolve.
These days the challenges I encounter, feel more like mole hills to step over. How? I dedicated years of quality time thinking about life.
I began at a very young age. I was clumsy at first starting as an observer. For example: I would disconnect from myself and wonder why people were mean not just to me but, to one another. By disconnect, I mean remove my emotion and look at things objectively. I would ask myself what I had done wrong when people were cross with me. Or, I would think about what may have led a person to say something cruel. Could they be hurting for instance?
As I matured, I got more sophisticated with my observations by adding to my understanding of irrational thinking and behaviour. Practice meant I could tell from a slight facial expression or, tone of voice, the root of what or why something was said or done. And so, I progressed. Even when I was a single Mum, working full time and studying at night, I found time for self-reflection. I felt that time was important.
To feel fortunate many times a day means, it was worth the hours I put in. To be genuinely happy says everything. To have confidence that I have nothing left to say to anyone, is a strong life-position to be in. For all my paperwork to be in order is satisfying. I don’t want to leave any mess behind. Aware that my heart is in the right place, is magnificent. Having no ill feelings towards a soul is joyful. To not fear death…is peaceful.
I can bow out with my head held high. Truthfully, wholeheartedly knowing I did my utmost in this lifetime to learn as much as I could about what sincerely matters and who I truly am.
I believe that we must experience all aspects of life in order to truly appreciate it. The good and the not so good. The tests we face many times each day are there for us to grasp and work out in order to progress.
If you aren’t already who you would like to be, then maybe today could be a great day to seize a personal valuable opportunity?
Wouldn’t it be great to wake up each day in a position to know all you had to do was to enjoy it as much as you could! As the saying goes, “The power is in your hands”.

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